TelemedReferral Connecting Rural doctors with Urban doctors.

08 November,2023 - 07:29 AM

TelemedReferral is a mobile application where a user is a medical or dental doctor. Here a doctor can request a tele-consultation from another doctor for their patients. Tele-consultation happens with referring doctor and patient on one side and a consultant on the other side. It is a telemedicine referral tool which connects a doctor to a consultant and assists in managing a patient. It solves the below problem effectively with no requirement of any infrastructure.


  • 80% of doctors are located in Urban areas and 65% of the population reside in rural areas.Significant gap exists between rural and urban health. A proportional gap exists between rural and urban practicing physicians.

  • High infant mortality rate, increased death rates in children, adults and seniors >65 years in rural areas.

  • Rural populations are likely to die prematurely from heart disease, cancer, chronic obstructive lung disease, stroke and motor vehicle accidents. 

  • Higher homicide and suicide rates. Any mental illness, serious mental illness like major depressive disorder are higher in rural areas.

  • Limitations in activity due to chronic health conditions are more common in rural areas.

  • Total tooth loss is more prevalent among seniors in rural areas. Dentist supply and dental care use is markedly low in rural areas.

  • A rural practicing physician finds it difficult to give comprehensive care for their patients because of the significantly low specialists and dentists per capita.

  • Specialists require a larger population to build a sustainable practice.

  • When a referral is made

    • Timely referral avoids postponing care.

    • 70% insufficient data sent to specialists.

    • Only 50% of the patients make an appointment and follow ups.

    • 25-50% of primary care physicians do not know whether the patient went to the specialist or what the specialist has recommended.

    • 26% of lawsuits pertaining to a missed or delayed diagnosis involved a failure to refer

  • Limited availability of healthcare resources and transportation barriers may reduce access to health services and increase the risk of poor health outcomes.

  • Studies have shown that lack of transportation can lead to patients, especially those from vulnerable populations, delaying or skipping medication, rescheduling or missing appointments, and postponing care.

    Ready to connect and communicate with fellow medical & dental doctors? Download our mobile app (TelemedReferral) today and join our growing community of doctors!

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